
~ links to queer and/or pagan blogsites, newsfeeds and literary magazines ~

Queer Paganism and/or Sabbats:

letter to a young gay man on celebrating beltane: an unique perspective on Beltaine in the queer community, with a focus on pagan acceptance of all sexuality; talks about fertility in gay culture, considering the lack of sexual reproduction, and how individuals can celebrate their fertility as a celebration of sex, the body and fertility in other definitions

beltane grumbles: a straight perspective regarding the inclusion of different sexual-preferences in the celebration of Beltaine, and how the focus on sexual fertility might not be suitable for all practitioners

queering beltane: another explanation for the right of gay pagans to find their place in the Beltane celebration, and how one can interpret the symbolism and significance of the festival in a sensual way

queer pagans or queering paganism: a brief article discussing queer theory and queer pagan traditions

gender and sexuality, and paganism: a patheos article discussing traditional and queered gender and sexuality themes in regards to paganism

gay gods: an article summarising a few queer aspects of the gods

the role of the sacrificed youth at samhain: an article discussing the death aspect of samhain in relation to tragedies experienced within the LGBT community

samhain with robin herne: a short commentary on sexual and gender identities, and samhain


overview of lughnasadh ~ a witchvox article summarising the history and celebrations of lughnasadh

lammas (lughnasadh) day ~ an introductory (wiccan) article, which also summarises similar lughnasadh or harvest festivals in other branches of paganism

deeper into lughnasadh ~ an article at the order of bards, ovates and druids, covering the history, deities and celebration of Lughnasadh

Summer Solstice:

solar folklore ~ a collection of mythos from world cultures regarding the sun, the summer solstice, and solar deities

midsummer, at the sacred calendar and rites of the asatru ~ a very short introduction to the summer solstice in the norse pagan path

celebrating the pagan summer solstice ~ musings on the celebration of the summer solstice (blogpost from 2010)


beltane: a short, acedemic witchology article on the origins, etymology and history of Beltaine

beltane from the golden bough; another witchology article, though more detailed on the aspects of the history and ancient celebration of Beltaine

beltane celebration and history: a detailed article at witchvox with a focus on the origins, celebration and history of Beltaine

Spring Equinox:

the rites of spring ~ an article at witchology, with a focus on the origins and celebration of ostara (the wiccan celebration of the spring equinox)

ostara ~ a brief article from the urban pagan, on the celebration of ostara, with focus on the meaning behind some celebrations and decorations

a blessed spring equinox ~ a 2012 patheos newsarticle, containing some quotes from fellow pagans around the world on the celebrations of the spring equinox, as well as a lovely artwork of a springtime goddess

alban eilir ~ a lovely paragraph describing springtime (and associated with the spring equinox), from a druidric path

celtic druid’s spring equinox ~ an detailed article at ireland’s druidschool, with a focus on the gods and goddesses associated with ancient celebrations, as well as its evolution into modern religious paths (this is from a more academic-ish viewpoint)


imbolc sabbat ~ an article at witchology; includes a more scholarly view of the history and traditions of the celtic festival, and further reading on the christianisation of the sabbat, folklore and wiccan / witchcraft celebrations of imbolc

imbolc, the festival of brighid ~ an extensive history of imbolc and information on the goddess brighid, at chalice centre (celtic magical traditions); highly recommended read

imbolc, traditional celebrations for a modern time ~ a witchvox article that summarises some of the traditional celebrations of imbolc, with suggestions for a modern-day celebration


history of yule, the winter solstice: an excellent article by lady springwolf at pagan’s path, which includes sections such as–the history and etymology of yule; the winter solstice as an astrological event; roman and norse influences on the celtic sabbat; the god and goddess at yule; as well as modern celebrations

yule: a short introduction to yule from the enchanted hollow, includes yuletide customs, the yule log and bonfires, and the oak and holly kings (there are also some lovely images within the article)

winter solstice, celebrating the return of the sun: a brief article at mystic cosmos, with introductory information to the winter solstice celebrations of many ancient civilisations, as well as the origins of some yule symbols, such as holly


the real origins of halloween: isaac bonewit’s essay discussing the origins of halloween and its various (modern) customs

samhain: a brief witchvox article on the celebration of samhain in the wicca tradition (celtic path)

the old ways, hallows and spooky samhain: these are both excellent articles that discuss the history, meaning and/or celebration of samhain

in norse paganism and/or asatru, ‘winter nights’ is the sacred time to honour the departed ancestors; for more information on the northern european customs, see winter nights, of the rites of the asatru

Autumnal Equinox:

celebrating the autumn equinox: short introduction from school of the seasons with a focus on celebration and giving thanks to the deities

history of mabon [autumnal equinox]: an article reprinted at the witchery blog, focusses on the ‘mabon’ sabbat in the Wicca tradition and history

celtic druid’s autumn equinox: an Ireland’s druidschool article on the equinox, with a focus on history and the traditions of a Celtic path

these following links were given in the submissions section during the open submissions call, for further reading and/or inspiration:

celebrating the autumn equinox at school of seasons (autumnal equinox)
history of mabon at witchery (autumnal equinox)
celtic druid’s autumn equinox at Ireland’s druidschool (autumnal equinox)
samhain by mike nichols (samhain)
you call it hallowe’en… we call it samhain by peg aloi (samhain)
midwinter’s eve by mike nichols (yule)
you call it christmas… we call it yule by peg aloi (yule)
winter solstice: festivals by christina aubin (yule)

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