Desolated Summerland, by Michelle Kopp

Similar to the previous piece, [frozen], Desolated Summerland also celebrates a communion with and remembrance of the dead.  In this poem, there’s a focus on the different paths that people can take during their lives, and how, despite everything, all actions can still lead two souls to one another, even in the Summerland.  The unconventional formatting of the poem reflects the ebbing tides of those different paths, criss-crossing with myriad paths of others, and lend to the piece a water-like, flowing quality.

Desolated Summerland


Michelle Kopp

is an overworked graduate student and part-time writer in Saskatchewan, Canada.  She resides with a collection of zoo animals and the memories of loved ones gone.  She’s currently practising a type of Reconstructionism, which is not really reconstructionism-by-definition.  Her work has recently appeared in The Diverse Arts Project and Yesteryear Fiction, and has pieces forthcoming in Two Hawks Quarterly and Leaves of Ink.

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